The Art of Flower Arranging Perfected

Fresh or fake, knowing how to arrange flowers is a skill that can come in handy at a moments notice. From displaying freshly picked flowers from your garden or farmer’s market to decorating for parties or gifting to a loved one, flowers brighten a room and a mood. But did you know that there is …

Snow Cream for Snow Day Fun!

We live in North Georgia so accumulating snow isn’t typical here. Not today however! I must say I love a great snow day. I like to plan for fun snow day activities like making muffins, or making a craft. One of the easiest even last minute things I like to make with the kids is …

Simply Sweet Homemade Valentine’s Day Card

Ever since I was a little girl, Valentine’s Day has always included the giving and receiving of sentimental cards. I remember in primary school we would all make sweet Valentine’s Day cards out of construction paper, glue, crayons, and sometimes glitter (when the teacher was feeling extra brave). After we made the cards, we would …

Before and After: Dining Room Makeover

Ever have that room in your home that just stumps you?  For years I wrestled with the look of my dining room.  When I first moved into my home 15 years ago, I painted that blah beige room a rich green that was a favorite color from my previous home.  And it was fine for …

Fresh Ideas for Small Spaces

In my house, I’ve found that small spaces can either be extremely easy or extremely difficult to “freshen up” with a changing seasons, a change in my mood or out of necessity. In smaller rooms, the large furniture pieces remain a constant (and usually in the same spot), but I don’t let that discourage me …

DIY Nautical Themed Valentine’s Day Treat for Kids

Have you caught yourself browsing Pinterest while dreaming of all the amazing Valentine’s you could make for or with your child? Personally I’ve seen unique Valentine’s Day cards and gifts that range from expert crafter level to easy enough that a 4-year-old can do the majority of it, but if you decide to forgo the …

Everyday Winter Mantel Ideas

With the holidays behind us, trees removed and ornaments packed away, the house can start to look empty and sad. But even though December has passed, you can still create a beautiful mantel vignette as a nod to winter, without a holiday feel. Here are a few ideas to decorate your mantel after the holidays, …

Worry-free New Year’s Party Ideas

As the last days of 2013 are winding down, it’s time to start planning the arrival of a New Year. Don’t let hosting your own New Year’s Eve celebration become stressful.  We’re often a little weary and worn from all the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday festivities . . . food preparations, gifting, traveling, etc. Have …

DIY Handmade Gifts for the Holidays

‘Tis the season, friends!  Your budget and gift inspiration might be running low about now, so I’m here to share some amazing DIY handmade gifts to help you finish off your list.  The blogosphere and Pinterest are loaded with creative ideas for gifts you can put together, many of them for only a few dollars.  …

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